Configuring e-Yantra IoT Framework

  • ey_iot_config.h file present in the framework is used to configure various services offered by the framework.
  • Following is a sample of ey_iot_config.h. User can change it according to their usage.
#ifndef __EY_IOT_CONFIG_H__
#define __EY_IOT_CONFIG_H__

//--------- Wi-Fi --------- 
#define EY_CONFIG_WIFI_SSID         "my-wifi-ssid"
#define EY_CONFIG_WIFI_PASS         "my-wifi-password"

//--------- MQTT --------- 
#define EY_CONFIG_MQTT_SERVER_URL   "mqtt://"
#define EY_SUB_TOPIC_LEN            100
#define EY_SUB_DATA_LEN             100

//--------- Encryption --------- 
#define EY_ENCRYP_XOR_KEY           'e'

//--------- NTP --------- 
#define EY_NTP_SERVER               ""
#define EY_NTP_TIMEZONE             "UTC-5:30"

//--------- OTA --------- 
#define EY_REMOTE_OTA_URL           ""
#define EY_REMOTE_OTA_TIMEOUT_MS    60000

//--------- Database --------- 
#define SPREADSHEET_ID              "unique-spreadsheet-id"

#endif /* __EY_IOT_CONFIG_H__ */